Reasons I’m OK Dating Someone Much Older
Before a few weeks ago, I would not have walked away if an older man approached me and tried to hit on me. I would have never given him a second thought, day or night. I thought women who date older men must have “daddy problems.”
Not necessarily. I don’t have those kinds of issues. This is the first and only time in my entire life that I’ve dated someone much older than myself—16 years older, to be exact. When I first started dating my partner, I often wondered what I was doing, as he was so much older. Why would I consider going out to dinner with a man who is so old? What’s this? Am I going crazy? Am I becoming one of “those girls”? Do I have daddy issues that I didn’t know about?
1. When I need to talk to my partner about something, he does not flinch or avoid the topic. He sits down with me and has a serious conversation.
2. He is always there to support me and ensure that I have everything I need. He knows exactly what I need because he has been in the same or a similar situation himself.
3. Most of his problems have been resolved (or he has at least tried to resolve them). He is not jealous or controlling. He doesn’t care if I talk to someone else or how many shoes I own.
4. He loves me just as I am. It’s okay if I fart. He doesn’t panic if I want some time alone.
5. He is responsible both emotionally and practically.
6. He’s okay with me saying “no.”
7. He helps whether I ask him or not! He doesn’t do it out of expectation, to complain, or for approval. He helps out of a simple desire to be kind and attentive.
This post was written by a professional at Valenti Matchmaking. Valenti Matchmaking offers discreet dating services for professionals as well as all levels of personal, one-to-one relationship coaching for a select, worldwide clientele of unapologetically selective single, successful, and attractive men and women in search of a compatible life partner.